Below is a list of the different cubits that we build our tensor tools with. Each one seems to have certain specialties, but they are not limited to just what is listed here. It is recommended that you use applied kinesiology or intuition to determine which cubit is most compatible for your situation.
144 series – Physical world, pain management, EMF harmonizing, water structuring
177 series – Anxiety and emotional support, manifestation, pain management, EMF harmonizing, water structuring
188 series – Spiritual connection, pineal gland decalcification, pain management, EMF harmonizing, water structuring.
Earth Resonance series – All things Earth, plants, water, minerals, pain management, EMF harmonizing, water structuring.
764 series – Helps to ward off spiritual attacks and non-beneficial entities, pain management, EMF harmonizing, water structuring.
Galactic series – Benefits DNA, pain management, EMF harmonizing, water structuring.
Serenity series – Pain management, EMF and 5G harmonizing, water structuring, tests around 550-600 on the Hawkins map of consciousness.
Enlightenment series – Ancestral healing, deep energetic clearing, self connection, and vitality, tests at 1000 on the Hawkins map of consciousness.
Kingdom template – This is an extensive list of prayers and affirmations that align with the heavenly kingdom of God. The prayers and the frequencies associated with them are infused into the metal as the the tools are being made and are continuously being emitted by the finished tool. Testing has shown that the tools become more powerful and can achieve more than a basic tool without the template. All tools made at Theon Designs contain the Kingdom template.