All objects in this physical world have a polarity, a positive and negative side. When copper wire is made, the squeezing and stretching of the metal elongates the grains of copper thereby making the polarity of not only each grain, but the entire length of wire more pronounced. Our tensor tools are made by folding a wire in half so that you now have two wires with their polarities pointing in opposite directions. Doing this ensures that the tensor ring will only output beneficial energy. The wires are then twisted tightly together while asking Jesus to impart a collection of prayers and declarations into the copper. These prayers are carried by the energy field of the finished tool and are constantly being broadcast out. Next, the twisted wires are precisely cut to a specific cubit length and the two ends are brazed together to form a ring. When done correctly, this configuration functions as an antenna that is powered by the continuous loop of positive and negative grains of copper and now produces what science calls a tensor energy field. This energy is considered to be a type of light that is invisible to most people but can be seen by those who have the gift of extrasensory sight. The Bible tells us several times that God is light. Tensor tools are one way to release just a tiny fraction of the light that God is. He is everything these tools can offer and so much more.
God is present all of the time, its only our awareness of Him that is often lacking. The act of worship as well as the use of these energetic devices can be viewed as supplemental methods that can enrich the atmosphere, remove blockages, and help us be more aware of His presence. Be intentional when working with the tools; speak or pray for what you want to accomplish. A small list of the ways people are using these tools include consciousness expansion, water structuring, animal therapies, accelerated healing of the body, soul, and spirit, intention and prayer amplifier, spiritual warfare, pain reduction, anxiety relief, trauma releasing, transforming EMFs into beneficial energies, less fatigue and discomfort while sitting or driving for extended periods, promote a deeper connection with God, less time to achieve a meditative state, to help plants grow, to help keep food fresh, and much more. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are new uses being discovered all the time. Everybody is unique and has a unique energetic profile, because of this, one person may experience great results with a particular tool while another person may not. Use applied kinesiology and intuition to determine which tools are best for your current situation to get the results you are looking for. These tools are not intended to treat or cure any disease. They are not a substitute for prayer or a relationship with Jesus. He is the healer. He is the light. He is Lord of all.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These guidelines are intended for educational and informational purposes only. This information is not medical advice. Please, consult with a health specialist before beginning any type of new therapy. These products are for external use only. Postpone use if you feel discomfort or if irritation occurs. Individual results may vary.