Dr. David Hawkins developed a map of consciousness similar to the simplified version shown below. Together with applied kinesiology, this chart becomes a powerful tool that can be used to measure the level of consciousness and or truth in virtually any situation. Whether it’s a human, animal, plant, mineral, location, or a conversation, everything is conscious on some level. Measurements also have a consciousness, some more so than others. The cubit measurements that we use carry a high level of consciousness. We have found that these tools operate between about 375 to 1000 depending on which cubit is used. When someone is in the presence of a high consciousness field many things begin to happen. The consciousness of the individual begins to rise, energetic blocks start to dissolve, trauma is more easily released, the body’s natural healing capabilities activate, and water begins to structure. Also, when such a field is coupled with quantum instructions such as the prayers and intentions infused within these tools, so much more is possible. A high consciousness field may also allow for greater manifestation power. This means that there is more power and energy flowing that can help your prayers manifest into reality. It’s important to try to keep your thoughts positive. If you are in a negative space mentally while in this field, you may cause negativity to manifest in your life.