Extra Large Enlightenment Ring



This cubit was revealed to me by Jesus during a muscle testing session with the tools. Testing indicates that tools made from this cubit have a consciousness level of 1000 (enlightenment) according to the Map of Consciousness by David Hawkins. These tools have been shown to help with deep energetic clearing, self connection, and vitality.

Enlightenment tools are recommended for therapeutic use by healing professionals.

Extra Large Enlightenment Ring – This ring is about .3″ thick and has a diameter of about 22″. The ring is very versatile and has many uses. Here are few suggestions for practitioners:

Let your patient as well as yourself sit inside the ring and soak in the high consciousness several minutes before a healing session. This method is also great for meditation.

Hang the ring on the wall next to the end of the bed so that the energy field is directed towards your patient, bathing them from head to toe during a session.

Help cleanse a patient’s energy field by having them stand in front of you while you lower the ring around them from their head to their feet.


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