Tensor Tool Recommendations for Practitioners
Listed below are only suggestions, there are many other ways to use tensor tools. Intuition and applied kinesiology are the best ways to determine the size and type of tool to use and how to use it.
▪Keep a ring or a pendant on yourself and your patient to help raise your consciousness. This has been shown to work especially well with counseling and trauma release.
▪Let your patient as well as yourself soak in the high consciousness field of a large ring or PuriFire several minutes before a healing session.
▪Place a ring, double helix coil, or a PuriFire on the area of the body that you are working on.
▪Hang a ring on the wall next to the end of the bed so that the energy field is directed towards your patient, bathing them from head to toe during a session.
▪Help cleanse a patient’s energy field by having them stand in front of you while you lower a heavy, extra large ring around them from their head to their feet.
▪Keep a ring around EMF sources to help harmonize the non-beneficial energies.
▪If you are administering fluids such as an IV drip or other therapy where liquid is flowing through a tube, let the tube pass through a double helix coil or a ring to help clear any non-beneficial energies and to infuse the liquid with beneficial energy.
▪Keep you and your patient hydrated with structured water.
Dowsing / Muscle Testing charts

The outermost section is to indicate the cubit, next is the fraction of the cubit (can be greater than 1), then the tool shape, after that is the wire size, and finally the type of metal. One way to use this chart is to determine the minimum size tool to remedy a situation.

Dr. Robin Perry Braun’s websites.
Create your own charts at http://www.subtil.net
Learn all about water and water structuring at http://www.dancingwithwater.com
An interesting pdf booklet on muscle response testing with biblical references and scientific evidence.